Welcome to Original Six Hockey 1942.

So rather then just sit back and dream….we decided to recapture some of the past by travelling back in time to create a fresh ,new,vibrant and exciting hockey Development program….THE ORIGINAL SIX HOCKEY 1942 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. This hockey development program was designed and created for tyke level players looking to develop their skating and hockey skills while playing fast paced full iced hockey. Our new Program will feature assembled teams from G.T.A cities which will be wearing simulated logos of the NHL original six teams: The Aurora Canadiens, The Newmarket Rangers, The Bradford Bruins, The Georgina Blackhawks, The Richmond Hill Red wings and The Stouffville Leafs.

Our Mission Statement
The Original Six Hockey 1942 Development Program will strive to provide young players who may or may not be involved in Hockey Canada’s Initiation Program (I.P), an opportunity to further develop their skating and hockey skills through a professional development skill based program. Read more

Spring Hockey Season
Original Six Hockey is excited to announce Spring Hockey for Tyke Level Players from 2011 to 2013.Spring Hockey is designed for players to develop their individual skills, their creative senses, and their love for the game.While we try to achieve a true hockey playoff atmosphere every game, we promise both players and parents will be thrilled with the overall quality of the games.

Fall/Winter Hockey Season
Original Six Hockey will be offering Tyke Age Players (2011 - 2013) an
opportunity to be on an Original Six Hockey Team for next Fall/Winter Hockey
Season (26 weeks of hockey from Oct to April). Featuring simulated jerseys of
the Original Six NHL Teams (Montreal, Toronto, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, N.Y.